I'm a plain language and health literacy enthusiast who has dedicated their career to creating accessible health and science content for a wide array of audiences including researchers, clinicians, donors, and lay audiences.

I’m currently the Communications Officer for Harvard University’s Department for Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, where I manage all aspects of the department’s internal and external communication needs.

Career highlights (in reverse chronological order):

  • Advised the CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention on their communication and campaign strategies, serving as lead project manager for the American Heart Month 2022 campaign.

  • Oversaw communications for OptumLabs (the R&D branch of UnitedHealth Care) during a time of great transition and change through the height of the pandemic.

  • Built the plain language content strategy from scratch for Devoted Health, a now-thriving Medicare startup, during their pre-launch phase.

  • Promoted research and managed an award-winning blog at Massachusetts General Hospital. Established monthly internal newsletter to highlight new research papers from Mass General investigators. Translated complex scientific research findings into brief lay-friendly summaries. Distributed newsletter to internal e-list of 8,500+ research staff with an average 82% open rate and 4% click-through rate. Managed strategy and daily oversight of Twitter and Facebook accounts. Grew number of Twitter followers by 5x, increased monthly impressions from 2K to 81K; tripled number of Facebook page likes.

  • Helped design and launch a social marketing campaign at Tufts University aimed at encouraging low-income mothers to choose healthier options for their children when they eat at fast food restaurants.

  • Contributed to Student Health 101’s health and wellness magazine distributed to 1,000,000 students.

I received my MS in health communication from Tufts University School of Medicine and my BS in communication studies from Emerson College. 

In my free time you can find me on the Charles River as captain for my LBTQIA+ rowing team, or hanging out with my toothless dog Elli.